Wall insulation

Qualified specialists of the UNIROOF company carry out work on the insulation of external walls. Our heat-insulating materials are designed for the insulation of roofs and walls of buildings of any type. Can be used in conditions of high humidity and temperature. Insulation of apartments, private houses, office and industrial premises with Russian high-quality thermal insulation materials of the company is distinguished by durability and fire safety. The materials are made of stone fiber and are effective heat and sound insulating materials, contain water-resistant additives, are absolutely fireproof and resistant to mechanical stress, do not absorb water, do not swell, are resistant to chemical attack and do not decompose. High-quality strength allows you to get an even and at the same time solid base, which significantly increases the efficiency of the entire thermal insulation system. We work only with high-quality materials. Trust only qualified professionals.

A range of products relevant to the service

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